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Black Soldier Fly protein

company typeUpcycling

company locationTanzania

Piloting Partner : AB InBev, Unilever

Program Cohort: 3

Funds Raised: N/A

Insect protein company that takes organic waste and converts it into animal feed using insects. Black Soldier Fly protein can replace soya and fish meal for animal feed and is also a great protein supplement for pet food.


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Mushendwa Sune linkedin profile


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Andrew Wallace linkedin profile

Co-Founder & CEO - Chanzi Ltd

Corporate partners

AB InBev and Unilever are jointly scoping this pilot to test and replicate Chanzi’ site design and concept near the Tanzania Brewery Ltd’s (TBL), Dar es Salaam. With this initial facility the two corporate partners are setting up a vision to potentially scale to other markets in Africa using different feedstocks. Chanzi will take the AB InBev’s and Unilever’s waste to feed their black soldier flies and produce protein.
The pilot project will have 3 phases: 1. Construct a site in Dar es Salaam, the commercial capital of Tanzania (100+ pilot) 2. Construct a site in Nairobi, Kenya 3. Feasibility study in South Africa
Each site that we construct is designed to off-take waste from those two companies and has an offtake capacity of 18 metric tons per day.

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